Answer for CentOS Install Not finishing

After some digging it seems that since httpd was installed as part of the Core build of the CentOS 6.4 which we are using and wasn’t deployed through YUM, that yum is unaware of HTTPD being on the system. Thus we can check the active version of httpd -v to be Apache/2.0.64, but when yum is attempting to install EvoStream, it fails since it’s not recognized as being installed. So I went ahead and installed EvoStream manually, using the evostreamms- available through the downloads. I copied the unzipped folder to: /usr/local/src/evostreamms- Since this is the directly typically used for installation of additional applications within my CentOS installation. I can start the EvoStream server without any issues. Following the directions/tutorials for adding my first pulled stream, I can add a stream. But if I try to hit the expected path of the pulled stream, there is no stream going. Also, if I attempt to list out any active pulled streams, the lists show blank. However, the test stream unique name is in use, since I cannot re-add a pull stream, since the name is already used. I’ve also tried to install the GUI based tool to see if it provides any help and to access it via the web host, note that I am not running server locally, rather its in a datacenter. Since my CentOS server hosts multiple domains, the base web root for the server itself isn’t operational, so instead i’ve placed it in a path of: /home/solidbit/public_html/evo_ui/ I can active the login for the eve_ui, and login as admin, but have to comment out some of the .JS files which check to see if I am running a Linux server vs. a Windows server. After doing such, I go through the same process of adding the demo pull stream, which it says completes successfully. But, the list doesn’t show any active streams, the stream isn’t available, and same as with telnet method, I can only add stream once since subsequent times show the name to be in use. Any help or clarification of what settings and/or customizations I need to do for my environment are greatly appreciated. I’ve given up on running the installer and managing it via yum, so now just trying to get it operational through manual install. Regards, Justin


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