Hi Sorin,
It is not extreme, it has to be like that. That is a clear indication of bad RTMP AMF syntax. While we DO tolerate that in FLV files (we simply skip the whole meta section, because we can do so by having other lengths/counters to relay on), we can’t do that on a live connection. RTMP protocol is highly susceptible to such errors and it destroys contexs/counters/statemachines/etc because of its live and interleaved chunked syntax. There is no "seek backwards n bytes" on a live connection. So, instead of trying to fix such errors (and many other of its kind), we simply choose to cut out the faulty connection and keep the server-side code clean, reliable and fast. The server must serve thousands, the client can be replaced/fixed. Besides, it is client’s fault in the end, no matter what GS people say. it is not according to the specifications.
Best regards,