Answer for Daemon mode creates two processes on Ubuntu 14.04

Hi Don, Sure, I can do that. It was with the stock config.lua on 14.04. In order to install on 14.04, I had to create a sources.list file manually as a workaround for not cooperating (it looks for the Ubuntu release in the repository, which doesn’t exist yet):

# /etc/apt/sources.list.d/evostream.sources.list
deb evostream main
I was then able to `apt-get update` and `apt-get install evostream-mediaserver`. As for this issue, I was able to isolate the problem 100% to the daemon option: with that option set, you end up with two processes, whether you run the service from the command line or via the init.d script. My workaround was to disable daemon mode and whip together a simpler init.d script to background the process:



case "$1" in
		$EVOSTREAM --uid=$(id -u $USER) --gid=$(id -g $USER) $CONFIG >$LOG 2>&1 &
		pkill -f $EVOSTREAM
		$0 stop
		sleep 2
		$0 start
		echo "Usage: $(basename $0) {start|stop|restart}" >&2
		exit 1
And in config.lua, I specify just the file-based log appender. This seems to work well. I’ll snag the logs when I get into the office. Overall, I’m super pleased with EMS, btw. It’s a great product. Jay


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