Answer for Daemon mode creates two processes on Ubuntu 14.04

hi Jay, Thanks for the reply. The way that EMS makes use of multiple processor cores is to run in a multi-process environment. In the config.lua file there is an instanceCount config variable. When that is set to -1 it will create one process for every core of the CPU it detects. So on a double-core machine, there will be 3 instances, on a 16-core machine, there will be 17 instances. The EMS then operates in a "intra-machine edge-origin" paradigm. If you set instanceCount to 0 it will run a single process. That way you don’t have to put together your own run script! The EMS is resilient enough to handle the killing of the "edge" process, but it is certainly not a "production quality" solution. As for support of Ubuntu 14, we will be supporting that with our next release. We can actually get you a compile for Ubuntu 14 today if you are having any issues, it will just need to be manually done. We are in the process of adding 14 to our release build system. Thanks, Bryan


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