The best way to do an automated upload of HLS (or any of the other HTTP based protocols like DASH) is to use a web service. We have a set of web services for free download on our downloads page:
https://evostream.com/support/software-downloads/https://evostream.com/wordpress/wp-cont … rvices.zip
Documentation for it: https://evostream.com/wordpress/wp-cont … rvices.pdf
The work flow will look like this:
You will configure the EMS to send Events to your web service
Your web script/service will receive the HLSChunkCreated event
You can then upload that chunk to your Rackspace Cloud folder
There is a web service in the package above that does exactly this for an Amazon S3 account. You will simply need to adjust the upload part of it to match your rackspace account.