Answer for Failed to Pull Stream From DLink 942L

Hi, I used transcode command to get a stream as below: "transcode source=rtsp://yyyy:xxxxx@ destinations=user111 targetStreamNames=user111 groupName=user111" And I got the right stream.(I used listStreams command and get the right json response.) But after the evostream process restart. I used listStreams command and got nothing right streams. And I used "ps -ef |grep evo" and got the error message as below: 500 434 432 1 14:10 pts/0 00:00:00 ./evo-avconv -loglevel error -y -i rtsp://yyyy:xxxxx@ -c:v copy -c:a copy -metadata streamName=user111 -f flv tcp://localhost:6666/ Can anybody help? Thanks.


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