I have now tested flowplayer live HDS as in guide here [ http://flash.flowplayer.org/demos/plugi … -live.html ] and have null bootstrap error on playback from local EMS. the bootstrap file appears to have NULL info ?
does someone out there have working code for flow player for HDS and HLS ios device fall back ? I don’t want to re-invent the wheel here :)” />
here’s the code for flowplayer using flowplayer.f4m flowplayer.httpstreaming plugins of flowplayer so that should allow the playback of the HDS stream in autoHDS folders?
<script src=""></script>
<div id="webtv" style="display:block;width:640px;height:360px;margin:0 auto;"></div>
$f("webtv", "http://releases.flowplayer.org/swf/flowplayer-3.2.16.swf", {
clip: {
url: "myStream.f4m",
autoPlay: true,
urlResolvers: ["f4m", "bwcheck"],
provider: ‘httpstreaming’,
// directory where the manifest and video fragments are stored
baseUrl: "/evo/media/autoHDS/myStream",
// URL of M3U8 playlist for iOS
ipadUrl: "",
scaling: "fit",
live: true
plugins: {
f4m: { url: "/flowplayer/flowplayer.f4m-3.2.9.swf" },
httpstreaming: { url: "/flowplayer/flowplayer.httpstreaming-3.2.10.swf" },
bwcheck: {
url: "http://releases.flowplayer.org/swf/flowplayer.bwcheck-httpstreaming-3.2.12.swf",
netConnectionUrl: "http://releases.flowplayer.org/swf/flowplayer-3.2.16.swf",
dynamic: true,
// bandwidth diagnostics – omitted in production
onStreamSwitchBegin: function (newItem, currentItem) {
.setHtml("Will switch from " + currentItem.bitrate +
"kbps to " + newItem.bitrate + "kbps");
onStreamSwitch: function (newItem) {
.setHtml("Switched to " + newItem.bitrate + "kbps");
// plugin to display bandwidth diagnostics, usually omitted in production
content: {
url: "http://releases.flowplayer.org/swf/flowplayer.content-3.2.8.swf",
backgroundColor: "#000000",
backgroundGradient: "none",
height: 26,
width: 275,
bottom: 2
// a bit of controlbar styling
controls: {
scrubber: false,
height: 30,
borderRadius: 30,
width: 290,
bottom: 30