Answer for HLS streaming using EvoStream

Hi, It has been going complicated for us. As per your advice, i have uninstalled previous set up i.e "evostreamms-" and install new set up "evostreamms-1.6.6.Unversioned.x86_64-Windows_2008". After installing this one, i copied the licence file in config folder. But i am not being able to pull rtmp stream even able to run the same stream on VLC. Error was there in evostream command prompt which i have attached as "error_Evostream" in this reply. After that i have uninstalled this "Unversioned" setup and install previous set up resulting in same error on pulling rtmp stream. Note Able to pull RTSP stream but same error of Access Origin level still there. I have attached some screen shots, please have a look.. Update – Able to resolve the access origin problem by modifying webconfig.lua. Only problem remain is not able to pull rtmp streams. More Update – Able to stream RTMP by deleting PushPull.xml


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