But, Bryan was also right in pointing out that the JWPlayer javascript call needs to be changed.
What you need to add on your web ui directory:
– The JWPlayer Javascript API
– JWPlayer swf player
On the ui.js
1. You need to change the swf flowpayer to the swf jwplayer
You need to change this:
// Assign handle for flowplayer
var flowPlayer = $f("videoContainer", "swf/flowplayer-3.2.11.swf");
2. You need to change the javascript function playVideo(stream, emsIP) to the appropriate jwplayer javascript api parameters. Currently on the web ui, it is using the parameters for flowplayer
To be honest, I have not tried changing the web ui flowplayer to jwplayer yet. But I do know that right now the web ui is using the flowplayer javascript api that is why it is playing smoothly.
Based on what you said that you already change it to jwplayer, there must be a parameter in the JWPlayer Javascript API that you still need to set. Have you already done this?
Let me know how it goes from your side.
yes, modify the function "playVideo".
and add the new javascript API at the index.php, header portion.