Answer for how to stop and restart a single stream

Could you provide some info about the error we get? (see above in this same discussion thread), it’s critical on our testing scenario, thank you. We are getting that error again and again, we’d like to know if it is related to any "wrong" configuration. We’re getting it even after some time of stress-test. our test is as follows. SERVER EMS on machine 1. we’ve written N .vod files in its’ Media folder, with the following info (where %1 is the changing part of the uri, related to different ip cameras)
and say we named it vodfile%1.vod (it shares a part of its name with the camera uri, so we can distinguish vods and the cameras attached to them) other machines MACHINE 2, MACHINE 3, MACHINE4, are stress-testing the server with Vlc requests to those .vod as rtsp://emsserverip:5544/vod/media/vodfile%1.vod after some time we get the error reported here and above. sometimes related to different .vod files. all the vodfiles are structurally the same. What happens is also that the server goes down (crashes) and then restarts in a faulty way, without beeing able to self recover from the errors. we’d like the server to handle the errors internally, and stay up if possible.
35 Outbound connection established: (Far:; Near:
6:58068) CTCP(776) <-> TCP(3542) <-> [RTSP(3543)]
......sourcesthelibsrcnetioiocpiohandlermanager.cpp:126 Handlers count c
hanged: 67->66 IOHT_TCP_CONNECTOR
6 TCPConnector failed. Error code was: 121
......sourcesthelibsrcprotocolsrtpbasertspappprotocolhandler.cpp:342 Con
nection failed:
<MAP name="" isArray="false">
    <MAP name="_callback" isArray="false">
        <UINT32 name="protocolID">2483</UINT32>
    <STR name="_isVod">1</STR>
    <UINT32 name="appId">1</UINT32>
    <STR name="audioCodecBytes"></STR>
    <UINT32 name="configId">196</UINT32>
    <STR name="connectionType">pull</STR>
    <MAP name="customParameters" isArray="false">
        <MAP name="externalStreamConfig" isArray="false">
            <MAP name="_callback" isArray="false">
                <UINT32 name="protocolID">2483</UINT32>
            <STR name="_isVod">1</STR>
            <STR name="audioCodecBytes"></STR>
            <UINT32 name="configId">196</UINT32>
            <STR name="emulateUserAgent">EvoStream Media Server (www.evostream.c
om) player</STR>
            <BOOL name="forceTcp">false</BOOL>
            <STR name="httpProxy"></STR>
            <BOOL name="isAudio">false</BOOL>
            <BOOL name="keepAlive">false</BOOL>
            <STR name="localStreamName">cameras/cam_165/cam_165_4.vod</STR>
            <UINT8 name="operationType">1</UINT8>
            <STR name="pageUrl"></STR>
            <STR name="ppsBytes"></STR>
            <INT64 name="rangeEnd">-1</INT64>
            <INT64 name="rangeStart">-2</INT64>
            <UINT64 name="rtcpDetectionInterval">10</UINT64>
            <BOOL name="sendRenewStream">false</BOOL>
            <STR name="spsBytes"></STR>
            <STR name="ssmIp"></STR>
            <STR name="swfUrl"></STR>
            <STR name="tcUrl"></STR>
            <UINT64 name="tos">256</UINT64>
            <UINT64 name="ttl">256</UINT64>
            <MAP name="uri" isArray="false">
                <STR name="document"></STR>
                <STR name="documentPath">/</STR>
                <STR name="documentWithFullParameters"></STR>
                <STR name="fullDocumentPath">/</STR>
                <STR name="fullDocumentPathWithParameters">/</STR>
                <STR name="fullParameters"></STR>
                <STR name="fullUri">rtsp://</STR>
                <STR name="fullUriWithAuth">rtsp://</STR>
                <STR name="host"></STR>
                <STR name="ip"></STR>
                <STR name="originalUri">rtsp://</STR>
                <MAP name="parameters" isArray="false">
                <STR name="password"></STR>
                <UINT16 name="port">554</UINT16>
                <BOOL name="portSpecified">false</BOOL>
                <STR name="scheme">rtsp</STR>
                <STR name="userName"></STR>
        <NULL name="httpProxy"></NULL>
    <STR name="emulateUserAgent">EvoStream Media Server ( play
    <BOOL name="forceTcp">false</BOOL>
    <STR name="httpProxy"></STR>
    <BOOL name="isAudio">false</BOOL>
    <BOOL name="isClient">true</BOOL>
    <BOOL name="keepAlive">false</BOOL>
    <STR name="localStreamName">cameras/cam_165/cam_165_4.vod</STR>
    <UINT8 name="operationType">1</UINT8>
    <STR name="pageUrl"></STR>
    <STR name="ppsBytes"></STR>
    <INT64 name="rangeEnd">-1</INT64>
    <INT64 name="rangeStart">-2</INT64>
    <UINT64 name="rtcpDetectionInterval">10</UINT64>
    <BOOL name="sendRenewStream">false</BOOL>
    <STR name="spsBytes"></STR>
    <STR name="ssmIp"></STR>
    <STR name="swfUrl"></STR>
    <STR name="tcUrl"></STR>
    <UINT64 name="tos">256</UINT64>
    <UINT64 name="ttl">256</UINT64>
    <MAP name="uri" isArray="false">
        <STR name="document"></STR>
        <STR name="documentPath">/</STR>
        <STR name="documentWithFullParameters"></STR>
        <STR name="fullDocumentPath">/</STR>
        <STR name="fullDocumentPathWithParameters">/</STR>
        <STR name="fullParameters"></STR>
        <STR name="fullUri">rtsp://</STR>
        <STR name="fullUriWithAuth">rtsp://</STR>
        <STR name="host"></STR>
        <STR name="ip"></STR>
        <STR name="originalUri">rtsp://</STR>
        <MAP name="parameters" isArray="false">
        <STR name="password"></STR>
        <UINT16 name="port">554</UINT16>
        <BOOL name="portSpecified">false</BOOL>
        <STR name="scheme">rtsp</STR>
        <STR name="userName"></STR>
21 Unable to set pull/push/hls/hds/mss/dash/record/process status
Thanks. Giacomo


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