Answer for Installing a new release from tarballs

Hi, Evostream from the tarballs are ready to use without installing. You can just disable the one installed and run the one inside the tarballs. But if you want to replace the one you’ve previously installed, these are the steps on root user or at least have sudo privileges: 1.) stop evostreamms process. just issue this command:
service evostreamms stop
2.) backup and overwrite the installed binary:
cp /usr/bin/evostreamms /usr/bin/evostreamms.bak
cp [i]<tarball dir>[/i]/bin/evostreamms /usr/bin/evostreamms
3.) verify file options for evostreamms. make sure it is executable. 4.) start evostream service
service evostreamms start
if you want to update other evostream components which is found with evostreamms, you may want to repeat steps for the other executables. Regards, Ian


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