Answer for Live streaming only audio for radio

I changed the ports to 5544 rtsp 554 . does not work this way only audio 3g phone or internet . I have encoded the audio codec aac and he- aac does not work with either of the 2 . I used adobe live encoder , encoder nanostream live , Wirecast , xsplit , ffsplit , open software broadcaster and others. all very well send the audio signal . worse in the cell with 3g internet not only audio pc with vlc player will play all reproduce.en . but with 3g cellular omitted . my clients have had in their cell and none was successful in listening streaming audio. the strange thing is that if tv audio and video if you can see and hear in 3G mobile internet . audio only but you can not hear. finding : is subject evostream check this server for rtsp stream ( audio only ) wowza media server is successful both in audio only , audio and video. reproducrir can seamlessly 3g phones . I have all the tools and I’ve tried everything . Please review this case . if not ask them to answer mcuha trouble early. evostream have a license and do not want complaints from my customers. I pressed for his radios not funcionanpara 3g mobile internet devices .


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