Answer for Logging Example

Hi, My comments are inline danwestman wrote:
1. If I am interested in the total transfer for a player’s session, that seems like it would be in the ‘outStreamClosed’ event, yes? Specifically, I’d be interested in adding the video.bytesCount to the audio.bytesCount to determine what was sent…correct?
Yes, that is correct. danwestman wrote:
2. The above seems to be only generated for Flash players. Assuming I’m headed down the right path, how do we get the same for iOS players? I’ve not attempted RTSP, but the question stands for that as well.
The HLS is only produced by EMS. It is not served by EMS. Hence, there will be no access logs for it. Same goes for HDS. If that is needed, that the web server used to serve the HLS/HDS can be configured to log those events via standard web server log file configuration. RTSP will generate logs, of course. danwestman wrote:
3. Is there a way to log-roll the ‘events.txt’ directive in the config so it does not just grow indefinitely? Thinking datetime stamp or similar, as the server logs do.
No, that is not possible. If rolling is required, it can be done "out-of-band" via a cron script for example. file sink for the event logger has minimal implementation. The event logger itself was mainly designed to shoot out RPC calls into web services. We will consider this feature for the next release. danwestman wrote:
4. The above questions are for Live streams only – I’m sure there are differences for the On-Demand bits, as there is the capability for ‘pause’ there, which would generate some intermediate events before the viewer ‘closed’ her playback session. Is that correct?
No, there is no event triggered for pause. I’m not sure this is purely a lack of a feature or design impossibility. We will evaluate this scenario. Best regards, Andrei


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