Thanks for your interest in the Evostream Media Server (EMS). Please find my answers below.
Someone wrote:
Around 100 participants will fill an online questionnaire from home (limesurvey), in which they have to watch a video and rate it. They have to turn on their webcam and film themselves. Ideally i would like that they directly film themselves on the cloud (for example through a website that asks them if it can turn on their webcam and film), does EvoStream allows it ? And i’ll access this database afterwards.
EMS can stream video to 100 users from one source. EMS can also record input streams simultaneously. However, you’ll have to take care of the online questionnaire, the database, and streaming of webcam video to EMS. There are some flash applications that can output webcam video as RTMP streams. At the moment we do not directly handle this part.
Someone wrote:
Should i buy the EvoStream at 25 dollars ? (And access from multiple computers )
Yes, usage subscription would be your best choice at the moment. That’s $0.10/hour of usage with a minimum of $25. Please see https://www.evostream.com/purchasenow/a … cProdId=15 for details. This is on top of what Amazon charges you for their cloud services (see http://aws.amazon.com/ec2/#pricing ).