Answer for Pulling RTSP over HTTP streams from Proxy

Hello, First, regarding the UI, those extra streams you are seeing are "intermediary" streams used internally by the EMS. Those streams do exist in some form, but they are not actually going anywhere. This is a known issue with the UI (in that it is showing these intermediary/system streams). I understand that it is annoying to see those extra streams, but they can be safely ignored. We should be posting an updated UI soon. For your stream issues, the first thing we need to take note of is that a SUCCESS return value from a pullstream command simply means that the command was issued successfully and that the EvoStream Media Server will TRY to pull the stream. Since pulling a stream is an inherently asynchronous task, there is no way to know if the pull will eventually be successful when the command is issued. An example of this is that you can issue a pullstream for a stream that does not exist, and then when that stream comes online, the EMS will successfully pull it, even if it is hours later. So having said that, there is still something happening here which is causing your subsequent streams to fail. I unfortunately don’t have enough information here to tell you exactly what that might be. If you run in console mode you could post any red errors you see here (along with some of the surrounding logs), or you could upload a full log file (maybe post it to


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