Answer for rtmp livestreaming multiple bitrates

Hey, yes please do PM me those links. The fact that it works on your lan but not from the 100tb server is very interesting. I’m a bit worried about being able to replicate it here but we’ll try to get something setup. Entering total speculation mode:… I’m trying to think of all the differences between running on a 100tb server vs in your local lan: 1) network latency. There will be at least a little bit of additional nw latency However, you would think if it was a latency issue, the problem would be worse for SD -> HD swaps 2) firewalls and routers. Obviously the routing path is much more complicated for the cloud server. However, RTMP is TCP based, and the connection is clearly being made, so it should be fine 3) 100tb "features": io/bw throttling, security groups, etc. I’m not that familiar with the 100tb service so I’m not sure any of this is of concern at all. I’m assuming the stream sources, etc. are all the same for your LAN setup as they are on your 100tb server setup. What are your stream sources btw?


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