Answer for Still Stuck on Consuming Event Notifications

So, I thought that perhaps, if the web service calls weren’t working between machines, then maybe if I put my web service on the local EvoStream machine, it might work. Still didn’t. Here’s what I have in my eventLogger (note that all of the events, except for in/out Stream Created/Closed are commented out):
						-- serializerType="XML"
						-- serializerType="XMLRPC"
In the log, it seems obvious that it can connect. Here’s a line from the log:
1402680108:3:c:jenkinsworkspaceEvoStream_windows_1.6labelWindows_2008_64bitsourcesthelibincludenetio/iocp/tcpconnector.h:138:TCPConnector<class BaseRPCAppProtocolHandler>::OnEvent:Outbound connection established: (Far:; Near: CTCP(400) <-> TCP(64) <-> OHTT2(65) <-> [ORPC(66)]
Earlier, when I previously tried connecting to another computer, I got similar log entries, with the Far IP obviously being different. I’ve come up with another idea, if I can get some PHP help. I was thinking that maybe I can turn on the evowebservices instead of my own. Then, have one of those PHP scripts do something I can easily look at, like write a file when it gets called. Trouble is, I have no idea which PHP file to use, or how to modify a PHP script to write to a file. Do you think I should go ahead and post this PHP question in another thread?


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