Hi Bharathi,
I’m not 100% sure I understand what you are seeing. Please correct me where I am wrong, but I believe you are saying the following:
You have some IP camera, with source URI rtsp://mycamera/stream (for example)
You are then trying to get that stream on a server/computer within the network.
Situation 1
You can then get the stream using FFMPEG:
ffmpeg -i "<rtsp_camerastream>" -vcodec libx264 -f flv -r 14.9 "rtmp://<server_ip>:1935/live/test1"
This presumably pushes the stream to the EvoStream Media Server.
You can then play the stream "test1" [Using what player?]
Situation 2
You pull the camera stream directly using the EMS:
pullstream uri=rtsp://mycamera/stream localstreamname=test2
You cannot play the stream "test2" [Using What Player?, and what is the URI you are using with that player?]
Situation 3
You pull the camera stream directly using the EMS:
pullstream uri=rtsp://mycamera/stream localstreamname=test3
You then get that stream from the EMS using FFMPEG:
??? ffmpeg -i "rtsp://" -vcodec libx264 -f flv -r 14.9 "rtmp://<server_ip>:1935/live/test4"
??? You can then play the stream "test4"? [Again, using what player and URI?]
Is this all correct? Can you please also fill in the questions?