Answer for VOD step by step

bryan wrote:
Hi Oosting, When you say VOD, do you want to provide access to stored video content, like mp4 files? Or are you looking to take advantage of the Lazy Pull (*.vod files) feature? While unfortunately similar in name, the functionality is quite different. For providing access to video files, you only need to place those media files into the appropriate media directory of the EMS (or modify the config.lua file to use your media folder). Clients can then directly request those files using appropriate links: rtmp://ServerIP/vod/myFile.mp4 rtsp://ServerIP/vod/myFile.mp4 You can also serve those files directly from Apache or another web server leveraging browser HTML5 players. Bryan
Hi Bryan, Thanks for your reply. I want to make a sort of media portal. Like youtube for internal use. so i want to use VOD for my mp4 files. I did try to connect with VLC with this address: rtsp://SERVERIP:5544/vod/big_buck_bunny.mp4 But it didn’t work, this is a screenshot of my console: So, i hope somebody can help me out.


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