Hello Don,
I try to run but get spammed by errors inside log
"/thelib/src/streaming/baseoutstream.cpp:660 nalType=1 cursor=9"
the line is repeated continously.
This makes usage and testing impossible. I am not 100% sure if this is linked to release or update on my side ?
I just exchanged the /usr/bin/evostreamms and started as usually, which I assume should be fine.
Used version evostreamms-
With decrease LogLEvel to "2" error disapear. So I will run some test with "less log"….
Some minutes of test shows good result. As they done remotly i hope this is not hiding some issue. But let´s be optimistic
– I receive the Event "outStreamCreated"
– farIP, farPort inside outStreamCreated are equal to the viewer
– streamAlias is specified, too
That is a big improvent to allow implementation into our CDN.
At the moment i see following issue:
"inStreamUniqueId" is specified inside the event but does not contain a value. inside the "outStreamClosed" the inStreamUniqueId is specified correct. When I ask "getStreaminfo" via the API i can see the correct inStreamUniqueId, too.
In the past I saw events with ProcessType "edge" which looks disapearing. As well the "high numbered StreamID´s".
Does it means this is something internal and all events will have "ProcessType "origin" now ?
Kind Regards,