Answer for Unable to Gnerate stream from Camera Stream

Hi, Yes your correct. Situation 1 Yes I can get the stream using FFMPEG from input source camera: ffmpeg -i "<rtsp_camerastream>" -vcodec libx264 -f flv -r 14.9 "rtmp://<server_ip>:1935/live/test1" This presumably pushes the stream to the EvoStream Media Server. I am able play the stream "test1" Using flowplayer(rtmp://<server_ip>:1935/live/test1). Situation 2 When pull the camera stream directly using the EMS: pullstream uri=rtsp://mycamera/stream localstreamname=test2 I cannot play the stream "test2" using Flowplayer, and URL I am using rtmp://<server_ip>/live/test2 Situation 3 When pull the ffempg generated rtmp stream using the EMS: pullstream uri=rtmp://<server_ip>/live/test1 localstreamname=test3 then get that stream from the EMS I can play stream rtmp://<server_ip>/live/test3 I want situation2 have to work. Please help. Thank You! Bharthi.


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