autoDash not working

autoDash not working

Support ForumCategory: Usage and FeaturesautoDash not working
oomworld asked 9 years ago
How ever i can not get the autoDash function working. i tried: Someone wrote:
AutoDASH= { targetFolder=”../media”, groupName="autodash", playlisttype=”rolling”, playlistLength=10, chunkLength=10, }
and also: Someone wrote:
autoDASH= { targetFolder=”../media”, groupName="autodash", playlisttype=”rolling”, playlistLength=10, chunkLength=10, }
and also Someone wrote:
autoDASH= { targetFolder=”../media”, }
and finally Someone wrote:
AutoDASH= { targetFolder=”../media”, }
But no one works. I followed all the instructions in the manual. Please help. Thank you for your time and help


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