Cannot Play on VLC
we command in
createhlsstream localstreamnames=test targetfolder=..\evo-webroot groupname=hls1 playlisttype=appending cleanupdestination=1
Command entered successfully!
HLS stream created
groupName: hls1
— test
playlistName: playlist.m3u8
playlistType: appending
targetFolder: ..\evo-webroot
Command entered successfully!
Currently open HTTP streaming sessions
addGroupNameAlias groupName=hls1 aliasName=hls1
Command entered successfully!
Alias applied to group name
aliasName: hls1
groupName: hls1
and I can play in HLS player by
but “” at VLCplayer would be fail.
Why? can you help me? there are logs.
1 Answers
Analysis of the log entries for group name aliasing
Streaming session started (VLC accessed via
1458206939:3:..\..\..\sources\webserver\src\application\webserverapplication.cpp:2402:webserver::WebServerApplication::CreateSessionInfo:Streaming Session Started — Session Id: (\EvoStream\evo-webroot\hls1,hls1)
Player requested for the child playlist:
1458206939:3:..\..\..\sources\webserver\src\application\webserverapplication.cpp:883:webserver::WebServerApplication::RequestHandlerCallback:Requesting Valid File: C:\EvoStream\evo-webroot\hls1\test\playlist.m3u8
Player requested for the first chunk:
1458206939:3:..\..\..\sources\webserver\src\application\webserverapplication.cpp:883:webserver::WebServerApplication::RequestHandlerCallback:Requesting Valid File: C:\EvoStream\evo-webroot\hls1\test\segment_1458206911463_1.ts
Player requested for the second chunk:
1458206939:3:..\..\..\sources\webserver\src\application\webserverapplication.cpp:883:webserver::WebServerApplication::RequestHandlerCallback:Requesting Valid File: C:\EvoStream\evo-webroot\hls1\test\segment_1458206911463_2.ts
Player stops requesting for the next chunk, so the timeout. The timeout is 6 x chunk size (10 seconds in this case):
1458207000:4:..\..\..\sources\webserver\src\application\webserverapplication.cpp:1302:webserver::WebServerApplication::TimePeriodElapsed:Session (\EvoStream\evo-webroot\hls1,hls1) received no request after 61 seconds (timeout: 60).
Session is deemed closed.
1458207000:4:..\..\..\sources\webserver\src\application\webserverapplication.cpp:1303:webserver::WebServerApplication::TimePeriodElapsed:Streaming Session Ended: (\EvoStream\evo-webroot\hls1,hls1)
At this point, the alias has expired and is no longer usable. So a subsequent request using the alias, hls1, will fail.
Make sure the alias (hls1) is still available by first checking via the listgroupnamealiases API. If not add the group name alias again.
I conclude that the VLC player was able to playback at least 20 seconds of the playlist. If you think otherwise, please enable logging in the VLC Player, set it to Debug, and then retry the request. Then send the VLC log together with the web log.