Can\'t add streams

Can\'t add streams

erezpbt asked 8 years ago
Hello, I would love to show you but apparently I need permissions to add attachments to this post.. Anyway, after logging to the EMS console (using as the EMS server), I\’m unable to add a RTMP stream from a remote wowza server. I\’m getting \’Failed adding stream, stream name already taken.\’ – for the first stream I attempt to add.. (If I could attachment, it would be attachment #1) Then I\’m trying another stream from the wowza incoming streams and the console shows as if it succeeded. (Unpermitted attachment #2) Then when I try to see the streams list it is empty (Another Unpermitted attachment #3). Is there a technical person I can talk to via Skype to help me with these issues? I must say that for now this is not very promising…   Thanks


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