Configuration file not found: `/etc/evostreamms/config.lua`

Configuration file not found: `/etc/evostreamms/config.lua`

Support ForumCategory: Installation and Basic OperationConfiguration file not found: `/etc/evostreamms/config.lua`
imualem asked 7 years ago
after the upgrade to the 2.0 version, (running trial) restarting the services and I get the following:
Configuration file not found: `/etc/evostreamms/config.lua` I also tried to uninstall and reinstall but same results. what is the proper way to have a clean slate on the Linux (Ubuntu) system so I can have a clean install?

4 Answers
erika Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi imualem,   Please check Also, are you able to update the config.lua upon upgrade?  If you still get the same issue, please feel free to reply in this thread.   Thank you!
imualem answered 7 years ago
I followed the instructions and I was able to start the services. however, I get “EMS_Web_UI/index.php not found” when navigating to the web UI.
imualem answered 7 years ago
I have also test this on a fresh ubuntu install and the issue persists -> the /var/evo-webroot does not contain the UI files.
erika Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi imualem, “EMS_Web_UI/index.php not found” –  this is the link for the old UI.  If you want to access the UI, simply start EMS and go to localhost:4100 in your browser. Please see for the new documentation. 🙂


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