Create Hls ! fail to create playlist files

Create Hls ! fail to create playlist files

Support ForumCategory: Installation and Basic OperationCreate Hls ! fail to create playlist files
Maher asked 8 years ago
Hello,   I get some troubling to deploy HLS creation over EMS  I feed evostream with “MPEGTS” stream, This is what i used to pullstream and to create the hls : 
pullstream uri=dmpegtsudp:// localstreamname=stream   I have tried both : 
createhlsstream localstreamnames=stream_ts targetFolder=../evo-webroot/ groupName=hls  playlisttype=rolling playlistlength=5 chunklength=10 cleanupdestination=1 cleanuponclose=1

And    createhlsstream localstreamnames=stream targetFolder=../evo-webroot/ groupName=hls  playlisttype=rolling playlistlength=5 chunklength=10 cleanupdestination=1 cleanuponclose=1   And i’m getting the stream over my vlc player : rtmp://<ems.ip>/live/stream but i’m not able to get playlist files, when i checked evostream log files i found that when i create hls,   the response is : CreateHLSStreamPart:Input stream stream not available yet,   Could you please help me to fix the problem and create hls successfully; Thank you for your contribution,

3 Answers
admin Staff answered 8 years ago
We forwarded the answer to your email address. Thanks
Maher answered 8 years ago
        Evo Staff Questions: 1.) Where is your config.lua situated? Basing on your targetFolder, I’m assuming that your config.lua is inside /var/config.. Because if not, I think there is a problem with your targetfolder parameter. I think you should have put /var/evo-webroot as your targetFolder. So try this when you call your createHlsstream command, use /var/evo-webroot as your targetfolder. 2.) If your config.lua is inside /var/config, then I may have to ask for your new set of logs again. Response :  1/ my config.lua is situated in /etc/evostreamms/ 2/ Well after changing the target folder to /var/evo-webroot/ ==> Now the folder is created and i can get the file playlist.m3u8 I got some problem to read this stream. this is the output of my vlc player !  Votre média d’entrée ne peut être ouvert: VLC ne peut pas ouvrir « http://ems-ip:8888/hls/playlist.m3u8 ». Vérifiez les messages pour plus de détails. La lecture du fichier a échoué : VLC n’a pas pu ouvrir le fichier « C:\Users\Downloads\segment_1491313625667_12.ts ». (Bad file descriptor) La lecture du fichier a échoué : VLC n’a pas pu ouvrir le fichier « C:\Users\Downloads\segment_1491313625667_13.ts ». (Bad file descriptor) La lecture du fichier a échoué : VLC n’a pas pu ouvrir le fichier « C:\Users\Downloads\segment_1491313625667_14.ts ». (Bad file descriptor) La lecture du fichier a échoué : VLC n’a pas pu ouvrir le fichier « C:\Users\Downloads\segment_1491313625667_15.ts ». (Bad file descriptor)    
rjimenez answered 8 years ago
Hello, may I know how you did your hls playback?   It should have went like this: http://(ems-ip):8888/(hls groupname)/playlist.m3u8 Based on these error logs, I’m assuming that you used http://ems-ip:8888/hls/playlist.m3u8 for playback. With this, I am assuming that your hls groupname was hls, not acobahls which was in the screenshots you recently sent.


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