custom metadata triggers error
I’m using GStreamer to send an RTMP stream to Evostream, but unfortunately it’s not working. The server throws and error and refuses the connection:
/thelib/src/protocols/rtmp/amf0serializer.cpp:730 Unable to de-serialize type 9; Buffer: Size: 4096
Published: 139
Consumed: 138
Send limit: unlimited
Address: 0x19aef80
00000000 02 00 0d 40 73 65 74 44 61 74 61 46 72 61 6d 65 ...@setDataFrame
00000016 02 00 0a 6f 6e 4d 65 74 61 44 61 74 61 08 00 00 ...onMetaData...
00000032 00 04 00 0c 76 69 64 65 6f 63 6f 64 65 63 69 64 ....videocodecid
00000048 00 40 1c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0f 6d 65 74 61 64 .@.........metad
00000064 61 74 61 63 72 65 61 74 6f 72 02 00 13 47 53 74 atacreator...GSt
00000080 72 65 61 6d 65 72 20 46 4c 56 20 6d 75 78 65 72 reamer FLV muxer
00000096 00 0c 63 72 65 61 74 69 6f 6e 64 61 74 65 02 00 ..creationdate..
00000112 17 53 61 74 20 4a 75 6e 20 31 35 20 38 3a 34 36 .Sat Jun 15 8:46
00000128 3a 34 31 20 32 30 31 33 00 00 09 :41 2013...
/thelib/src/protocols/rtmp/amf0serializer.cpp:321 Unable to read value
/thelib/src/protocols/rtmp/rtmpprotocolserializer.cpp:557 Unable to de-serialize invoke parameter 2
/thelib/src/protocols/rtmp/basertmpappprotocolhandler.cpp:424 Unable to deserialize message
/thelib/src/protocols/rtmp/basertmpprotocol.cpp:1054 Unable to send rtmp message to application
/thelib/src/netio/epoll/tcpcarrier.cpp:98 Unable to signal data available
From what I understand from the error, this is just some metadata. I understand EvoStream doesn’t have the feature of listening to metadata and manipulating it like other servers, but a critical error and connection rejection seems a bit extreme.
Is there anything I need to configure to make this error go away?