EMS Ver 2.0 – How to Create Symbolic Linking "Correctly"?

EMS Ver 2.0 – How to Create Symbolic Linking "Correctly"?

Support ForumCategory: Installation and Basic OperationEMS Ver 2.0 – How to Create Symbolic Linking "Correctly"?
App asked 7 years ago
Hello, I’m on Linux Centos 7 and when I create a Symbolic Link with:
ln -s /var/evostreamms/media /home/mymobiletv/public_html/tvmedia

It creates the /tvmedia directory but with file permission 777.
When I try to play the media files linked inside this directory, I get an ERROR MESSAGE BELOW:
Not Found The requested URL /tvmedia/autoHLS/AppThis/AppThis.m3u8 was not found on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. I can see the Symbolic Linked Directories/Files. How do I correct this so I can access the URL? Or Do I access this URL Another way?   I’m trying to add the stream name to my Flowplayer and need the URL for this. Here is how I did it with Ver 1,7.             <source type=”application/x-mpegurl” src=”./tvmedia/autoHLS/AppThis/AppThis.m3u8″>   How to I remove that Error message above? or Other Solution???

6 Answers
erika Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi App,

If you are playing HLS (playlist.m3u8), you should place your files in evo-webroot so it can be accessed by the web server, then stream your playlist using this URL: http://localhost:8888/pathTo/playlist.m3u8

For more information please read: http://docs.evostream.com/2.0/userguide_createhls.html

If you want to create a symbolic link, please use the evo-webroot folder and also please change your autoHLS targetfolder to evo-webroot.    Thank you.
App answered 7 years ago
Just to be clear…. Do I point to 1 or 2? Should I point to the one that was created with the install or where I copied the demo file too for public display? ie “public_html”
  1. /var/evo-webroot
  2. /home/mymobiletv/public_html/evo-webroot
  ========= Next issue… Sometimes the system will write to or create the following directories and other times it won’t! It’s just stops for no reason that I can find. I have not change the Config.lua file. autoDASH
autoMMS The Below I have Done: Check entry in Config.lua


Note: You can change the port you want to use
Play in Browser

Just place the URL below in your browser, hit Enter


Use in Video Tags

Simply place the URL inside video tags if you want to add your stream in your HTML page

<video src=”http://<IPofEMS:port>/localStreamName”></video&gt;
App answered 7 years ago
Every time I think it’s working, something goes happens. Here’s where I am. I can see the Stream I’m broadcasting live (hasStreamAliases=false)…. Same as I did with Ver. 1.7 using “Now you see me – RTMP Publish”. The UI is picking up the stream and sometimes it would play it and other times it won’t. I killed the pids and tried to stop & start many times.   Cleared Browser of all…. Still the same… Video Won’t play? Files aren’t being created here?   Won’t stream from browser? What am I doing wrong? I’ve been at this for a few days. Hmmm… Need help to get this configure the correct way. Thanks
erika Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi App, Can you discuss what is your objective?  As far as I can see you are using autoHLS/MSS/HDS/DASH. Do you wanted to create the HTTP streams using auto and aimed it to be played using the UI? If yes,
  1. Please point your target folder to your evo-webroot
  2. Use Google Chrome for UI (Firefox does not support the player in the UI)
  • Please make sure that your stream source is playable (try in vlc)
  • You can see the HTTP files in evo-webroot folder
  • The UI can only play HLS and DASH streams
  Please refer to http://docs.evostream.com/2.0/userguide_createhls.html and userguide for more information   Thank you.
App answered 7 years ago
It’s not working for me!!!   Please answer this basic question for “MY” understanding Please: Just to be clear….
Do I point to 1 or 2?
Should I point to the one that was created with the install or where I copied the demo file too for public display? ie “public_html”
  1. /var/evo-webroot
  2. /home/mymobiletv/public_html/evo-webroot


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