Evostream VOD and LiveStream
I recently bought monthly edition license from evostream.com for evostream-mediaserver.I having couple of issues and would like to know if this is fixable.
All my stream are from harmonic pro stream 9100 these are all UDP multicast streams. I would like to ingest the content to the server and output HLS. In my setup harmonic prostream produces 3 qualities for each stream eg: udp://, udp:// and udp://
I would like to evostream-mediaserver to produce HLS for each of these and produce and multi-bitrate stream. I was able to add an inbound stream and produce a basic HLS for each UDP stream. However i would like to how to produce a multi-bitrate stream. Also while this all is working fine i restart the evostream-media server and i lost all the inbound streams.
Is this how it suppose to be ? I mean loose all the settings once server gets restarted.
Is it possible to create a multi-bitrate stream combing all these sources ?
These are the commands i issued
pullStream uri=dmpegtsudp:// keepalive=1 localstreamname=TVM_360p
pullStream uri=dmpegtsudp:// keepalive=1 localstreamname=TVM_480p
pullStream uri=dmpegtsudp:// keepalive=1 localstreamname=TVM_720p
Also i followed all the guides with regard to VOD and was able to produce HLS from MP4. However the .ts file creation did not stop and .ts files was been created until i remove the MP4 stream (RTMP). These are commands i issued.
createhlsstream localstreamnames=BlacklistS3E08_720p targetfolder=/var/evostreamms/media/TVShows/HLS/ groupname=BlacklistS3E07_720p chunklength=10 playlisttype=appending
pullStream uri=rtmp://localhost/vod/mp4:TVShows/Blacklist_S03E07_720p_H264_AAC.MP4 keepalive=1 localstreamname=BlacklistS3E07_480p
Is this how it suppose to be ? I mean file creation and .m3u8 file overwriting will not stop until i remove the rtmp stream.
I would like to know what are the possibilities of adding a mpeg2 stream as an inbound stream and doing transcoding and producing HLS from the transcoded content ( Live streams)
Awaiting your response.
Since there was couple of restriction on CentOS Linux i have changed my OS to Ubuntu 14.04 and still have issues running the basic things with evostream.