Fallback option from "live" to "regularly scheduled broadcas

Fallback option from "live" to "regularly scheduled broadcas

Support ForumCategory: GeneralFallback option from "live" to "regularly scheduled broadcas
mrbriskers asked 10 years ago
For live streaming is there a fallback option so that say your "livestream" feed should go offline or hiccups that the evostream video feed will seamlessly fallback to a "pre-program" or "the regular scheduled shows" & when the live feed comes back online then it would seamlessly takeover as the primary feed? Similar to what you can do with Icecast radio stations where you can be on "AutoDJ" then seamlessly takeover on a remote "live" stream then seamlessly fallback when the live feed ends or cuts out to "AutoDJ" pre-recorded DJ material. The idea is continuity & to prevent from people watching live, via a web browser, from stopping or the HLS streams from stopping that are tuned in from Apple IOS devices or other platforms. Basically to keep the end users from having to refresh or reconnect their connections on their devices or have to refresh their browsers to restart the live feed should their be an interruption. Even a default option to going to an all black screen temporarily would work to.


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