HDS video stalling at intervals
I’m pushing a RTMP stream into EMS.
I’ve enabled autoHLS and autoHDS and I’m using Nginx to service http.
HLS works fantastic.
HDS plays, then stalls for 1-3 seconds and then sort of fast forwards up to speed.
When playing I see the fragments being downloaded at regular interval, and suddenly it asks for the ‘bootstrap’ many times, the video stalls, and it get fragments again after a couple of seconds.
I have tried tweaking playlistlength and chunksize, but the default values works best.
What I see in Firebug is the following requests all with ‘200 OK’.
GET xxSeg1-Frag12
GET bootstrap
GET bootstrap
GET xxSeg1-Frag13
GET bootstrap
GET bootstrap
GET xxSeg1-Frag14
GET bootstrap
GET bootstrap
GET bootstrap <—- Here the video stalls
GET bootstrap
GET bootstrap
GET bootstrap
GET bootstrap
GET xxSeg1-Frag15 <— And here it continues/catches-up
In the nginx access.log I see the same requests all served with status 200.
As I understand the bootstrap file contains the list of the next ‘playlist length’ segments, which are 10+, so we does it download it all the time?
I am looking forward to your help on this issue, as we really would like to get it working 🙂