HLS audio only

HLS audio only

admin Staff asked 8 years ago
I have an issue, and I hope you can help me. I want to create HLS stream with audio only. When I make : createHLSStream targetFolder=/srv/www/liveremote02.brainsonic.com/html/hls/audioonly localStreamNames=audioonly groupName=audioonly playlistType=rolling playlistLength=10 cleanupDestination=1 Evostream process crash. I find the parameter audioOnly=1 in docs When I add it : createHLSStream targetFolder=/srv/www/liveremote02.brainsonic.com/html/hls/audioonly localStreamNames=audioonly groupName=audioonly playlistType=rolling playlistLength=10 cleanupDestination=1 audioOnly=1 The feedback from evostream service is sucessed, then evostream process crash. Do you have the same behavior ? Is there any way to create easily hls with audio Only. In all cases, is there any way to prevent evostream to crash when it can’t do something ?

5 Answers
xai Staff answered 8 years ago
Please send the evostreamms logs over.

gselvino answered 8 years ago
I just tested this in 1.7.1 and it’s not crashing. What version is the customer using?
xai Staff answered 8 years ago
Hey dude, We do not know that yet. The log files I am asking will tell is that along with other info.    
Laurent Cogné answered 8 years ago
Hi, I experiment the same problem using EMS 1.7.1. My audio stream is pulled from RTP  :
transcode source=file:///streams/demo1234-audio.sdp destinations=demo-audio audioBitrates=48k
and pushed as HLS :
createHLSStream localStreamNames=demo-audio targetFolder=/var/evo-webroot groupname=hls-audio playlistType=rolling audioOnly=1 keepalive=1
One evostreamms process is still alive after the crash, originally 3 processes was started (2 evostreamms, 1 evo-webserver). I cannot attach logs (Message : “You don’t have permission to attach files to this post.”), can send them by mail ? Note also that if I restart EMS service, it seems running but when I connect using telnet I cannot execute any API call (no message on console) I have to stop my stream, then start EMS and remove the HLS config, after that I can restart my RTP stream. One more point : I tried DASH, it doesn’t crash, it generate segment in audio destination folder, but manifest is not updated with segment references. Audio source is Opus generated with a WebRTC app in chrome, EMS generated RTMP and RTSP streams are fine. Regards,   Laurent.
gselvino answered 8 years ago
This issue has been fixed in our customer branch, the next release 1.8.0 will contain the fix


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