HLS doesn\'t work below android 4.4 with evostream 1.7 ?

HLS doesn\'t work below android 4.4 with evostream 1.7 ?

Support ForumCategory: Usage and FeaturesHLS doesn\'t work below android 4.4 with evostream 1.7 ?
kossuth1 asked 9 years ago
On android devices ( less than version 4.4 ) HLS can\’t be played. The web player (JW Player 6 or native html5 video tag) loads the m3u8 playlist file, tries to play but nothing happens only black screen and it doesn\’t throw any error. With the previous evostream version it worked on the same android version, with the same player. Did something changed in the newer version of evostream that doesn\’t allow to play hls on older android devices?

3 Answers
bryan Staff answered 9 years ago
Hi.  We have increased the default version of HLS in 1.7.0.  You can put the HLS version back down to version 2 if you’d like by modifying the config.lua file.  Look for the “hlsVersion” parameter.  That should fix the issue of streaming to older Android devices.  
kossuth1 answered 9 years ago
Is anybody here?
ic Staff answered 9 years ago
Hi, Open the file <installed path of EMS>/config/config.lua.
Under the fields “applications” –> “rootDirectory”, you should be able to see the following fields:
. Change the 3 value to 2. Cheers


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