How to do Adaptive Bitrate Streaming (ABR) in HLS?

How to do Adaptive Bitrate Streaming (ABR) in HLS?

Support ForumCategory: Integration and CustomizationHow to do Adaptive Bitrate Streaming (ABR) in HLS?
admin Staff asked 10 years ago
Hey Guys, Is there an example of how to do adaptive bit rate streaming with Evostream? I can generate HLS fragments and m3u8 playlist quite easily, but they are all at a single bitrate. Basically, I turned on autoHLS and played out a stream to Evostream from ffmpeg. What I am looking for, is:
    I play out a stream to EvoStream. Evostream transcodes the incoming stream into multiple renditions (at various bitrates) EvoStream generates fragments of the multiple renditions Evostream generates the correct m3u8 playlists for a player to perform ABR on the multiple transcodes


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