I’m having trouble getting DASH to playback, it is being created but isn’t playing back. Can I get some help?

I’m having trouble getting DASH to playback, it is being created but isn’t playing back. Can I get some help?

Support ForumI’m having trouble getting DASH to playback, it is being created but isn’t playing back. Can I get some help?
gselvino asked 9 years ago
We still cannot get DASH to work with EMS. No players work, and the validator we have tried show errors.

1 Answers
gselvino answered 9 years ago

You should use either DASH-IF player or the Bitdash player since they are the players that have better DASH implementation, I heard JW Player have their one too. Don’t use those stand-alone open source players because in my experience, they are obsolete in regards to DASH specs implementation or they are not fully compliant therefore will not play wide variety of DASH.

There are also other factors that might hinder you from a successful playback, Issues like CORS when playing remotely and other environment issues (consult your player documentation for those)

As for the MPD validator, it is based I think on the DASH-IF IOP specs, and since the specs is still evolving, the MPD validator also evolves. My last run of our mpd with the validator shows a passing result last year. Today it shows a 2 missing fields which I know is an optional field last year, but when I checked the new DASH-IF IOP specs, it is marked as mandatory so that’s probably the reason why it is failing the validation test.

Anyway, the result of the validation does not authoritatively dictates the playability of the content. As I’ve said I was just able to playback our DASH same way as I was able to play it previously. I used bitdash 3.3 to test it, you can get one free from their website (http://www.dash-player.com/), you need to register first. I prefer this over the open source DASH-IF player (http://dashif.org/reference/players/javascript/1.4.0/samples/dash-if-reference-player/) because I think it is easier to setup and performs faster.

Tip for creating a test bed: You should always download the players and host it on your local web server and then host the DASH content in the same web server, in this way you will not encounter problems about CORS and few more environment issues.


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