LSOF on the Box (thousand files open)

LSOF on the Box (thousand files open)

Support ForumCategory: Installation and Basic OperationLSOF on the Box (thousand files open)
admin Staff asked 10 years ago
We have a CCTV Camera with the feed video being made into HLS by evostream. What we see is, after an hour we run "lsof" on the box. It reports Evostream has thousands of files open in the directory where the HLS of the camera stream is being written to. Eventually the operating system locks up as it can’t open any more new files. We have other HLS streams being generated on by Evostream on that box and they are fine. They don’t cause Evostream to open thousands of files. This appears to be a bug in Evostream. Evostream should never have enough files open that we cannot even run "top" on the box. How can we stop Evostream from opening too many files? So it can run for more than a few hours.


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