LUA script to query authentication database

LUA script to query authentication database

Support ForumCategory: GeneralLUA script to query authentication database
hoangln asked 8 years ago
Please give code example for users.lua with the LUA script to query authentication database. I use postgresql and have a problem with authentica when push a stream to EMS. I have config above but it don’t work.
Start your code hereluasql = require "luasql.postgres"

env = luasql.postgres()
conn = env:connect("calling", "postgres", "none", "", "5432")

conn:execute([[select email, password from users]])

1 Answers
Don answered 8 years ago
Hi hoangin, EvoStream uses lua for its configuration files. However, writing code in the lua language is not an expertise of EvoStream. You may try asking questions in the lua community forums. This may be a good place to start: Cheers, Don


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