Not Recording All Parts of a Stream
I’m pulling in a stream with rtmp. It works fine. I’ve also set it up to record that stream, chunking it in 60 second chunks. Sometimes it records an mp4 fine, but just as often it will skip a few minutes and then record again.
I get all the, .mdat, .track1 and .track2 files … even for the ones that don’t end up getting written to an .mp4 file. My last test showed the following mp4 files and times written:
MyFile_part0002.mp4 4:43 PM
MyFile_part0008.mp4 4:49 PM
MyFile_part0009.mp4 4:50 PM
MyFile_part0011.mp4 4:52 PM
As you can see, I never got part0000, 0001, 0003-0007 and 0010. The times the files were written shows the correct elapsed time. IOW, between 0002 and 0008, 5 files were not written and sure enough, 6 minutes have elapsed between the file write times.
As mentioned, it did write all the .info, .mdat, etc. files for part0000 through part0011 with nothing missing except for the 8 missing .mp4 files. Any idea what the problem might be? If I’m recording these, I cannot have any missing at all! (These are surveillance cameras).