not uploading in s3 bucket

not uploading in s3 bucket

admin Staff asked 9 years ago
We want to setup evostream server to upload file in s3 storage and stream it through jw player . But we stuck some reason when we setup . file is not uploaded in s3 bucket . Web ui link is – I am also sending you zip file(attached) which we configure also send you ftp details for checking if anything we miss . I will forward the ftp details through email. evowebservices Please let me know if anything else is needed ,we need to solve this asap.

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6 Answers
xai Staff answered 9 years ago
Have you tried manually uploading to that s3 bucket? If not please try this first. Otherwise, if uploading to S3 is working manually, I want to see what is in your evowebservices/config/config.ini. Also send us the web logs.  
xai Staff answered 9 years ago
If you are running linux it is usually in /var/log/evostreamms. In windows, take a look at the logs folder.
xai Staff answered 9 years ago
In /var/evo-webroot/evowebservices/config/config.ini, enable the plugins you want to use. [Plugins]
StreamLoadBalancer = disabled
StreamAutoRouter = disabled
StreamRecorder = disabled
AmazonHDSUpload = disabled
AmazonHLSUpload = disabled
TranscodeResetter = disabled Also, browse down the file and fill in the Amazon access and secret keys.
admin Staff answered 9 years ago
As you say we change in file .But I have been trying to use curl/json to upload file to s3server, initially i uploaded the kit in public_html directory and got the url, but now i have been asked to upload the kit in the root directory of the server. I did so, but now I’m unable to get the url of the evowebservice.php page. In previous we try to run this file /home/letfilm/public_html/amaz Using curl and Json both . Also, kindly provide the parameters to upload file via AmazonHLSUpload . Below is my code snippet, so please let me know what should I put in “data”: $.ajax({ type: “POST”, url: ‘’, data: data, success: function(data){ console.log(data); } });
xai Staff answered 9 years ago
You will need the access and secret keys to upload HLS to Amazon. These keys are yours. I am not an ajax guy so I cannot answer your questions on ajax code. 


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