problem playing mp4 with html5 player

problem playing mp4 with html5 player

Support ForumCategory: Usage and Featuresproblem playing mp4 with html5 player
zaphyrion asked 11 years ago
Hi, Below you find the links to two mp4 files that were recorded using evostreamms. The first (Buckbunny video) is playing fine in Firefox, Chrome, IE11 and safari (all on Windows 7) using the HTML5 video player (we don’t use Flash). The second one however only plays in Chrome. As far as i can see both files use the same audio and video codecs, but differ on size and frame rate. The BuckBunny video was recorded from rtsp://, the other from a live camera stream. Any ideas what could cause this problem ? … /video.mp4[HASKEY]test123/20140207004001/video.mp4 An other problem is that both files won’t play on an iPad (safari/IOS 7). On iOS6 both video’s played fine.


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