Production SERVER stopt help urgent.

Production SERVER stopt help urgent.

Support ForumCategory: Installation and Basic OperationProduction SERVER stopt help urgent.
marc2029 asked 11 years ago
I had to restart my server /it has been running for +/- 2 months) now evostreem will not start end gives the message: /applications/lminterface/src/application/lmcontroller.cpp:105 The license terms expired or invalid and stops! when I try to start in console mode. I have 2 licenses ( same file used on 2 servers as indicated by evostream support) the other server runs fine and stop start is not a problem. I took the trouble of re-installing the complete server, (factory reset installing ubuntu,apache server and all the rest from the start) And all looks OK evostreamm server started and streaming for 2 days! BUt when I restart the evostreamms server same problem The license terms expired or invalid this is a production server and we are standing still, HELP! kind regards Marc


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