Pulling RTSP over HTTP streams from Proxy
We are currently using Axis O3C service, that acts as a web proxy and relays data to/from camera in RTSP/HTTP form.
RTSP/HTTP streams of IP cameras connected to O3C service can be retrieved in the following format
rtsp://root:pass@1.XXXXXXXXXXXX/axis-me … ile=Mobile
where 1.XXXXXXXXXXXX is unique ID of camera.
We are using trial version of EVOStream to fetch RTSP/HTTP stream through O3C proxy.
In EVOStream server, here is what we are currently using and it works for a single stream or two;
O3C Proxy is running on same machine on port 3128
pullstream uri=rtsp://root:pass@1.XXXXXXXXXXXX/axis-media/media.amp?videocodec=h264&streamprofile=Mobile httpProxy= localstreamname=ddcamera1
and we are able to get the stream working i.e. rtsp://IP/ddcamera1
However, we are facing problem when trying to pull multiple streams from different cameras. In the following example, we have two cameras ddcamera and indcamera connected through O3C service.
pullstream uri=rtsp://root:pass@1.XXXXXXXXXXXX/axis-media/media.amp?videocodec=h264&streamprofile=Mobile httpProxy= localstreamname=ddcamera1
getStreamsCount shows 1 stream
pullstream uri=rtsp://root:pass@5.YYYYYYYYYYYY/axis-media/media.amp?videocodec=h264&streamprofile=Mobile httpProxy= localstreamname=indcamera1
getStreamsCount shows 2 streams
pullstream uri=rtsp://root:pass@1.XXXXXXXXXXXX/axis-media/media.amp?videocodec=h264&streamprofile=Mobile httpProxy= localstreamname=ddcamera2
getStreamsCount shows 3 streams
pullstream uri=rtsp://root:pass@5.YYYYYYYYYYYY/axis-media/media.amp?videocodec=h264&streamprofile=Mobile httpProxy= localstreamname=indcamera2
getStreamsCount shows 4 streams
pullstream uri=rtsp://root:pass@1.XXXXXXXXXXXX/axis-media/media.amp?videocodec=h264&streamprofile=Mobile httpProxy= localstreamname=ddcamera3
getStreamsCount shows 5 streams
pullstream uri=rtsp://root:pass@5.YYYYYYYYYYYY/axis-media/media.amp?videocodec=h264&streamprofile=Mobile httpProxy= localstreamname=indcamera3
In this case, JSON returned with SUCCESS message, however getStreamsCount DOES NOT SHOW 6 Streams, it only shows 5. And when we tried to re-insert the stream command it said "Stream name indcamera3 already taken","status":"FAIL"
We are still trying to determine the pattern, but right now its happening at random intervals i.e. it could happen after inserting 3rd stream
Any immediate response will be highly appreciated.