pushing a rtmp stream to Azure Media services

pushing a rtmp stream to Azure Media services

Support ForumCategory: Installation and Basic Operationpushing a rtmp stream to Azure Media services
admin Staff asked 9 years ago
I’m having some problems pushing a rtmp stream to Azure Media services. I’m running the latest version on a Windows 2012 R2 server. Here is what I’m doing. 1. Using pullstream to get video from a camera – pullstream uri=rtsp://user:password@2.00408cba7173/axis-media/media.amp?videocodec=h264 httpProxy= localstreamname=camera1 2. Using pushstream to push video to a Azure Live channel. – pushStream uri=rtmp://camera1-clearcastmediasvc.channel.mediaservices.windows.net:1935/live/b36fec69e34d457ab81f42af49753ad1 localstreamname=azcamera2 It doesn’t work when I’m previewing the video in Azure. This is the Microsoft guide I’m following – http://azure.microsoft.com/blog/2015/05 … -encoding/. This is what’s in the console after I input the pushstream command. Also it never shows up in the liststreams command. …..sourcesthelibsrcapplicationbaseclientapplication.cpp:301 Stream ONR 169) with name `camera1` from protocol OR(367) registered to origin application `evostreamms` …..sourcesthelibsrcstreamingbaseoutstream.cpp:513 Audio codec AUNK not supported by stream type ONR …..sourcesthelibsrcnetioiocptcpcarrier.cpp:77 Unable to read data fro connection: (Far:; Near: CTCP(700) <- [TCP(366)] <-> OR(367). EOF encountered …..sourcesthelibsrcnetioiocpiohandlermanager.cpp:126 Handlers count c anged: 21->20 IOHT_TCP_CARRIER …..sourcesthelibsrcapplicationbaseclientapplication.cpp:307 Stream ONR 169) with name `camera1` from protocol OR(367) unregistered from origin applica ion `evostreamms` …..sourcesthelibsrcapplicationbaseclientapplication.cpp:295 Protocol [ R(367)] unregistered from application: evostreamms …..sourcesthelibsrcnetioiocpiohandlermanager.cpp:117 Handlers count c anged: 20->21 IOHT_TCP_CONNECTOR …..sourcesthelibsrcnetioiocpiohandlermanager.cpp:117 Handlers count c anged: 21->22 IOHT_TCP_CARRIER :WorkProjectsrelUrel_1.6sourcesthelibincludenetio/iocp/tcpconnector.h:1 5 Outbound connection established: (Far:; Near: 100.79.164. 8:50766) CTCP(700) <-> TCP(368) <-> [OR(369)] …..sourcesthelibsrcnetioiocpiohandlermanager.cpp:126 Handlers count c anged: 22->21 IOHT_TCP_CONNECTOR Any assistance you can provide would be appreciated.


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