Record stream to flv file without some metadata info written

Record stream to flv file without some metadata info written

Support ForumCategory: Integration and CustomizationRecord stream to flv file without some metadata info written
brooks asked 11 years ago
I try to record one rtsp stream to flv file. But the flv file cannot support to choose timepoit because it’s missing some key information of meta data, such as times and filepositions. Command:
pullStream uri=rtsp://admin:evostream@ localStreamname=user3_24
record localStreamName=user3_24 pathtofile=../media/recordings/3/24/org_24.flv type=flv chunkLength=3600
How can I get full meta data while flv file recorded? BTW: I encount the same issue when I try to transcode flv file to mp4 file. Command:
transcode source=file:///opt/app/evostreamms/media/recordings/3/24/org_24.flv destinations=file:///opt/app/evostreamms/media/recordings/3/24/24.mp4 groupName=testflv2mp4 keepAlive=0


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