Record to a new folder

Record to a new folder

Support ForumCategory: Usage and FeaturesRecord to a new folder
mattia asked 10 years ago
Hi, I am tring to record a stream and save it in a subdirectory of the media folder. (e.g. ../media/customer1). The subdirectory "customer1" doesn’t exist at the moment. Is is correct that the EMS returns an error, if I try to save the stream to this ("not yet existing") folder? Error is :

......sourcesapplicationsevoroutersrcapplicationoriginapplication.cpp:1567 Recording failed because none of the
../media/customer1/recording_[1-8192].mp4 files were available due to missing folder or permission errors
......sourcesapplicationsevoroutersrcprotocolsclicliappprotocolhandler.cpp:2514 Unable to record stream
How can I automatically let the EMS create new subdirectories in the media folder? Thank you


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