RTSP pullstream/lazy-pull not receiving data

RTSP pullstream/lazy-pull not receiving data

Support ForumCategory: Usage and FeaturesRTSP pullstream/lazy-pull not receiving data
sleierer asked 7 years ago
We have a production Evostream media server that we are using for our client application to be able to lazy-pull streams. Until recently, all of our streams were RTMP but we have some new streams to support that use RTSP. I’ve tried using lazy-pull and a manual pullstream but the stream never produces any data. When I run “getstreaminfo” for it in telnet I can see that no data is being received, despite the stream appearing to open properly. This is the video value from the “getstreaminfo” command: “video”:{“bytesCount”:0,”codec”:”VH264″,”codecNumeric”:6217274493967007744,”droppedBytesCount”:0,”droppedPacketsCount”:0,”height”:288,”level”:40,”packetsCount”:0,”profile”:100,”width”:352} We have been able to confirm that the stream has data by playing it in VLC player on a windows machine. The stream’s source machine has opened up access from specific IPs so only those devices can access the streams. I’m not sure what could be going on here, but I’m relatively new to this software. If I can provide any other useful information to solve this issue, please let me know. Thanks.

6 Answers
sleierer answered 7 years ago
Don, I had a few issues to work through on my end, but I was able to get the stream processing data with the command you suggested. So I had to go try the same thing with our VOD files. I noticed that we actually did specify “forcetcp” in those files BUT we were saying “forcetcp=true”. I looked at the documentation and it does say that it takes 0 or 1. After changing this value to 1 instead of true, the streams appear to be working properly with lazy-pull. My only confusion at this point is that the documentation also appears to state that the forcetcp default value is 1 (true) so I would think that I wouldn’t need to specify this. Is the documentation wrong about the default value?
erika Staff answered 7 years ago
Hi sleierer! The default for forcetcp parameter is false. We have updated the document and we are sorry if this made you confuse.  Thank you for noticing this out. 🙂  
xai Staff answered 7 years ago
The default value of forcetcp is 1. However, non-number values, such as true, will be treated as 0.
rjimenez answered 7 years ago
Hello, It is an error from our end. We have updated the default values in our documentation. The current default value of forceTcp in the pullstream and pushstream command is 0. However, the default value of the forcetcp if used in generatelazypullfile command is 1. Just to be sure, if you really intend to use the forceTcp, rely on putting forceTcp parameter in your command just to be sure. Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience.
sleierer answered 7 years ago
Thank you all for the clarification on what happened. I’m glad I could help with correcting your documentation. It was only a minor confusion so no real harm done. Now everything makes sense and is working properly. Thanks so much!


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