RTSP Push Stream Works in Web UI not VLC Viewer
I am piping video through ffmpeg via RTSP to the EvoStream media server. The stream appears in EvoStream and I can view it the the embedded web browser (although quality is poor). I cannot connect through the VLC viewer using the url rtsp://localhost:5544/No Name – not sure if the space in the URL is causing a problem – I tried using %20 and that did not work. Is there a way to name the stream. Any help would be appreciated.
2 Answers
Can you try adding the following parameter in your `ffmpeg` command?
`metadata streamname=mystreamname`
`metadata streamname=mystreamname`
For pushing RTSP to EMS and you would like to indicate the stream name, use the metadata “title” instead:
ffmpeg -re -i on.ts -map video -vcodec libx264 -dcodec copy -metadata title=test -f rtsp rtsp://localhost:5544
Another approach would be to use live FLV instead as the protocol when pushing to EMS, and then use RTSP (if you want) as outbound protocol (use on VLC player).
Your ffmpeg command would now be like this:
ffmpeg -re -i on.ts -map video -vcodec libx264 -dcodec copy -metadata streamname=test -f flv tcp://localhost:6666/