setup of live streaming with transcoding on the fly

setup of live streaming with transcoding on the fly

Support ForumCategory: Usage and Featuressetup of live streaming with transcoding on the fly
admin Staff asked 10 years ago
Hi, got some issues trying to make a simple setup of live streaming with transcoding on the fly. AutoHLS is enabled (I am able to watch streamed video via avplay http://localhost:8081/movie/movie.m3u8, served by http server). I stream file content to running instance of EvoStream server using avconv: avconv -i file.mp4 -r 24 -c:v libx264 -b:v 3500k -acodec aac -strict -2 -f flv rtmp://localhost:1935/live/movie I run command via telnet and get the response: transcode source=movie groupName=movieg videoBitrates=200k,600k,800k,1600k videoSizes=400×226,640×360,852×480,1280×720 audioBitrates=60k,80k,96k,128k destinations=mobile,low,medium,high {"data":{"audioAdvancedParamsProfiles":["na","na","na","na"],"audioBitrates":["60k","80k","96k","128k"],"audioChannelsCounts":["na","na","na","na"],"audioFrequencies":["na","na","na","na"],"croppings":["na","na","na","na"],"destinations":["mobile","low","medium","high"],"dstUriPrefix":"-f flv tcp://localhost:6666/","emsTargetStreamName":"high","fullBinaryPath":"/home/hawraniak/Downloads/evostreamms-","groupName":"movieg","keepAlive":true,"localStreamName":"movie","overlays":["na","na","na","na"],"source":"movie","srcUriPrefix":"rtsp://localhost:5544/","targetStreamNames":["mobile","low","medium","high"],"videoAdvancedParamsProfiles":["na","na","na","na"],"videoBitrates":["200k","600k","800k","1600k"],"videoSizes":["400×226","640×360","852×480","1280×720"]},"description":"Transcoding successfully started.","status":"SUCCESS"} How can I access transcoded stream as HLS stream (or even in plain RTMP)? In streaming folder I can see only files created for movie stream (/media/autoHLS/movie/movie.m3u8).

5 Answers
kumarevostream answered 8 years ago
I am using Windows Platform and installed the EVO Stream software. Kindly let me know. How to enable the transcodering 5 profiles on fly? Where i need to do the change in transcodering template? Thanks
kumarevostream answered 8 years ago
How to change the port from 8888 to 80 ? I have tried webconfig file. No Luck!
admin Staff answered 8 years ago
They can all be modified in the config.lua file.
kumarevostream answered 8 years ago
I have changed the port 80 and then restart the EVO Mediaserver. Double click the EVO Media server, but it’s running the desktop. I am trying to connect through Web Interface unable to connect the EVO Media server. And also am not able to find the error on the log file.
rjimenez answered 8 years ago
“How to enable the transcodering 5 profiles on fly? Where i need to do the change in transcodering template?” What do you mean by “transcoding on the fly”, once there is an inbound stream, then EMS automatically transcodes the stream? You may use the transcode command (See more in our documentation). But using it such that EMS automatically transcodes an inbound stream, you may have to create your own script for that. “I have changed the port 80 and then restart the EVO Mediaserver.
Double click the EVO Media server, but it’s running the desktop. I am trying to connect through Web Interface unable to connect the EVO Media server.
And also am not able to find the error on the log file.” Kindly state exactly your steps done and/or attach your logs files here. (How were you trying to do this.. ” I am trying to connect through Web Interface unable to connect the EVO Media server.”?)  


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