Stream List could not play back
We have installed EvoStream Media Server on our Windows 7 x64 machine using your Windows installation package. Also, we have enabled EMS Web UI by creating vitrual directory in IIS pointing to EvoStreamevo-webrootEMS_Web_UI and installed required PHP modules. EvoStream Media Server service is running and Web UI is accessible. When we added few streams we have seen "Stream added succesfully" message. But stream list was empty, even after updating. Also we could not play added streams in VLC player by RTSP protocol. We have checked, this streams are online and can be played by VLC directly by their URLs. Also, we have managed to add some streams to list, but we could not play them back by VLC using RTMP or RTSP protocols. The only streams which were not causing trouble were IP camera in our local network and rtsp:// – we have succsfully restreamed them using EMS. What is the problem with restreaming other video sources?
URL which does not shown in stream list:
URL which was shown in stream list but could not played back:
rtsp://demo:demo@sieuthivienthong.dyndn … /live/h264