Streaming Idea

Streaming Idea

admin Staff asked 10 years ago
I’m a EvoStream user and planning to use EvoStream servers for my video streaming system, could you please tell me if my idea is possible? My streaming system is: 1. One way video streaming Embedded Linux CPU board —> User’s smartphones and tablets. Multiple users simultaneously can watch the video and audio from the CPU board. It requires at least H.264 640×480 30fps video. 2. Bi-directional audio communication CPU Board <—> Users’s smabrtphones and tablets. AAC or something like that is required. 3. Recording video and audio The video and audio data is stored in network storage devices. 4. High availability Users don’t detect and not need to care about server failure. 5. Load Balancing I’ve attached a picture and I hope it would be helpful for understanding. If it is possible, please let me know how to configure the EvoStream server and any information that would be helpful to build the system. -ryu


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